[New Post] 1.9 years later… Why I Stopped Writing

Eating fresh coconut on an unblogged (as of yet) trip to Bali

It’s been over a year and a half since my lost post.

I stopped writing for a few reasons.

The first was because I was busy. We traveled a lot in 2018, but we worked a lot too. My last post about our trip on the Kepler Track was written nearly a year after we had returned in April 2018. I was struggling to keep up.

Continue reading “[New Post] 1.9 years later… Why I Stopped Writing”

[Featured Post] A Long Distance Love Story

The first picture Tom and I ever took together at Playa Maderas, Nicaragua

The first time I met Tom we were in the living room of the house I had just moved out of in Granada, Nicaragua. I had been in the country for about a month already, but had been in Granada volunteering with La Esperanza for only 2 weeks. The house had four bedrooms shared between 16 volunteers from all over the world. Living there was a great way to meet people, but my nerves were a bit frazzled by the party-like atmosphere and the ever-growing pile of dirty dishes in the sink. So as soon as the opportunity arose, I moved out to a smaller house a few blocks away. Continue reading “[Featured Post] A Long Distance Love Story”

[Featured Post] Best of: Nicaragua 2014


I’ve been back from Nicaragua for nearly four months now, but my time there is still sitting heavily with me. Continue reading “[Featured Post] Best of: Nicaragua 2014”

[Featured Post] Some Friendly Advice on Keeping Your Neighborhood Park Ranger Happy in the Tired Month of August

These guys did it all right - and you can too!
These guys did it all right – and you can too!


That’s what I think of when I consider the month of August. Continue reading “[Featured Post] Some Friendly Advice on Keeping Your Neighborhood Park Ranger Happy in the Tired Month of August”